Our Blog
Headache, Diet, and Exercise
Two new studies have been published that examine the role of diet or exercise in headaches. The first1 was a survey given to 112 migraine sufferers. The researchers found that 70% of migraine patients felt that diet played a role in their headaches, and the most...
Fear of Movement and Low Back Pain
Fear-avoidance behavior has been widely acknowledged among chronic low back pain (LBP) patients. "The central concept of these models is fear of pain, or the more specific fear that physical activities will cause (re)injury. Patients may react to these fears either...
Coping Strategies and Whiplash
Coping strategies in chronic pain patients have been found as a major predictor of physical and psychological outcomes. If a patient possesses healthy coping mechanisms, they can handle stressors more effectively, experience fewer symptoms, recover faster, and require...
Conservative Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
This study examined a group of 119 patients who had been diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). At the beginning of the study, 50% of the patients were currently employed, 48% were on sick leave or retired, and 2% were unemployed. All 119 patients were...
Chiropractic, Exercise Back Pain
Previous studies have shown that chiropractic can be an effective treatment for some patients with low back pain. This new study looked at patients with chronic back pain, with the aim of determining which subgroups of patients find chiropractic beneficial. For the...
Chiropractic and Back Pain
Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic can be an effective treatment for patients with low back pain. Now a new report1 has looked further into the effectiveness of chiropractic by comparing it to physical therapy treatment, and, more significantly,...
Chiropractic + Exercise Effective for Neck Pain
Neck pain, whether caused by whiplash or other injury, is a serious condition that can lead to chronic headaches, lost time at work, and an overall reduction in quality of life. It is one of the leading reasons people seek out the help of a chiropractor. But while...
Chronic Back Pain, Chiropractic Effective
This study based used a practice-based, observational model to look at the effectiveness of intervention in a selected group of patients with both acute and chronic lower back pain (LBP). It compared the efficacy of chiropractic intervention with standard...
Active Rehabilitation of Low Back Pain
Over the last few years, a consensus has emerged in the medical literature that active treatment of back pain is more successful than passive approaches, such as bed rest and medications. This is yet another study that compares the two different approaches. Active...
Weight Lifting and Chiropractic
Weight lifting can be beneficial to your back if carried out correctly. Safe training can help with pain prevention and post-injury rehabilitation. Ensure that your workout is free of muscle pain and injuries by following basic safety measures. A good warm-up is the...